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Regular Movement

While it is likely unsurprising that working out regularly can have significant benefits, it is important to note the positive impact that regular exercise can have to brain biology. As the article explains, researchers have looked at the effects of exercise as it relates to brain function and symptoms of anxiety and depression, and studies suggest regular exercise has a moderate impact.

My favorite part of this article is the practical tips included to get started. A summary, along with my perspectives on how I personally put these in action, are as follows.

  1. Do something you love. This is super relatable to me, as I am someone who ironically is not very into exercise, so I think it is so important to stay true to what you enjoy to keep the routine and regularity of it. For me, this involves my very active rescue dog, and therefore our very regular walks.

  2. Have an accountability buddy, or as the article suggests "positive peer pressure." Much like with our goals, having someone to encourage you and hold you accountable can go a long way. While my activity of choice is walking, even on my worst days when maybe I am low energy, or perhaps too distracted with work, or maybe under the weather, I never skip my walks. Why? My very active rescue dog keeps me accountable. For me, that counts here.

  3. It is not an "all or nothing." Even a little bit helps, and similar to the James Clear book, Atomic Habits, remember the power of 1%. Doing a small amount of movement is better than doing no movement, even if you are having an off day. Progress is progress.

  4. Merge with other activities. This also really reminded me of habit stacking found in Atomic Habits. The example in the article shared was walking around while talking on the phone. For me, I like to listen to an audiobook or podcast when getting my walks in to pair those habits together.

  5. If you are hesitant or having a bad day, feeling under the weather or lacking motivation, remember how you felt last time you exercised in this fashion. Did you regret doing it?

  6. Remember why you are exercising in the first place. Focus on the consistency, what you enjoy doing, and your overall well-being.


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