Regroup and Recover
Athletes are expected to rest, regroup, and recover in between trainings. Even professional and elite level athletes need an "off day" away from their respective game, whether it be field or rink so to speak, where they do not practice, do not exercise, take time away from the team, not watch any game footage, and take their mind away as well. This is so needed for the body and mind for peak performance.
With the current pandemic, many of us find ourselves working at home where the lines are admittedly incredibly blurred when it comes to work life balance. It can be easy to push yourself to increase your productivity in the comfort of your home, and if you enjoy your work, even better! It's like that old saying, "If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life." But the thing is, you are still working, and it is important to take your breaks to regroup and recover, physically and mentally.
Athletes and workers alike need to consistently invest in self-care away from their sport and work. In a recent conversation with a friend, I was reminded of the importance of taking time for myself as well. I am so motivated by challenge and helping others, and I get such fulfillment in my work. However, I am not exempt from needing self-care time.
What does your self-care look like? As a very outgoing introvert, I need alone time to recharge my batteries. I love a good session of binge-watching some of my favorite television shows, maybe a little comfort food (in moderation), and getting some extra walks in with my rescue dog. A great benefit of taking time to rest is the creative bursts you may find along the way. I find some of my best creative moments, whether capturing a few photos, making a collage, or a new stippling project, have always started through art therapy during my resting time.
We will still be productive, work towards our goals, get the work done, and reach our peak performance, but we can't do any of this successfully without incorporating proper rest along the way.