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Kevin Love | Mental Health Advocacy

Kevin Love is an NBA player most recently with the Cleveland Cavaliers. He has found success in his basketball career as a five-time All Star, winning the NBA championship in 2016, and winning gold with the US National team at the 2010 FIBA World Championship and the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Kevin also suffered a panic attack during a game in 2017. He subsequently shared in recent years his personal struggles with depression, his journey with mental health, and advocated to create “a better environment for talking about mental health” as “everyone is going through something that we can’t see.”

Since sharing his story with the Players Tribune, Kevin continues to be an advocate for mental health and wellness. More recently, he has established the Kevin Love Fund, which helps to focus on improving physical health and well-being and making a financial impact to partners such as Headspace (a website and app that provides help and support for mindfulness and mental health), Just Keep Livin (a nonprofit that sets up fitness and wellness programs to Title 1 schools), and Bring Change to Mind (a nonprofit working to end the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness).

Since initially sharing his personal experience candidly to today, all of the work Love has done to move the needle in raising awareness and removing the stigma surrounding mental health is inspiring.

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