Notes on Clint Malarchuk
We have always been big fans of The Players' Tribune for obvious reasons: it is an honest media platform that allows professional athletes to share their raw stories and perspectives in their voice. We have seen The Players' Tribune break news, along with share raw, honest, and thought provoking perspectives on important issues that athletes face in their sports and in their lives, such as race, gender, poverty, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse, abuse, etc.
In a recent article, Clint Malarchuk shares a glimpse of his resilience, including major injury, substance abuse, OCD, anxiety, and attempted suicide. If you have not read his book, A Matter of Inches: How I survived in the Crease and Beyond, I highly recommend this. However, his recent article as found on The Players' Tribune is a great summary of his story and perspective.
You can read the full Players' Tribune article, Bleeding Out, here.
Malarchuk explains how he nearly died in the crease during a collision in game when his carotid artery was slashed, and his maybe too swift recovery and return to the game. He goes on to share the PTSD and aftermath. Malarchuk's honesty will hopefully help others with similar feelings and experiences, and his resilience is inspiring.