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Stop Overthinking: The Separation Between You and Your Thoughts

We are not defined by what we think about.... we are defined more by what we do because we are not our thoughts, we are the watcher of our thoughts. If everyone in the world acted upon every thought or impulse, it would be a much different place to live in.

For those who consider themselves, "thinkers," this could be something to really sink your teeth into. An active mind is a healthy mind and it is our survivalist duty to be prepared for any situation that may come our way. The part of our brain that generates these thoughts are aiming them at what is currently going on. Usually anxiety is brought about from a big event or stress coming up, or from past experiences and an insecurity for how things went. No matter the scenario, we just want to avoid overthinking. It is something to respect because when you are caught in that vicious cycle of overthinking, it can act as quicksand. It is important to follow necessary steps in getting a healthy mindset up and running so you can enjoy your day and get back to the present.

So let's get into a little more about overthinking...

Key reminders about overthinking:

  1. You are not your thoughts, you are the watcher of your thoughts.

  2. It is still the sign of a healthy mind. Nothing is wrong, you just "think" there's a problem.

  3. Overthinking is an indicator that you are not in the now.

  4. Overthinking does cause your body to have a stress response. It is important to be proactive with your mind and create balance.

You know you're overthinking when:

  • You cannot focus on a task at hand due to an active mind.

  • You cannot find a way to enjoy what you're doing because of what you're thinking about.

  • You have that "I need to know right now!" mentality.

  • Nothing else seems important but what you are thinking about.

What to do when we are overthinking:

  • Thinking your way out of overthinking is like talking your way out of talking too much... it is very difficult. The key is getting back to the present and away from the past/future.

  • Work with your active mind and instead of slowing it down, aim it at something that is simpler than the complex thought stream.

  • Put yourself in a new environment.

  • Put yourself around new people or talk to them

  • Exercise or workout when you are able to.

  • Get your endorphin fix on and readjust your mindset. Exercising can be a great way to reset your mindset and take on a new approach.

  • Alter your brain chemistry with a healthy outlet. Do not use drugs or food to mask the problem, but get yourself in a clear mindset to reevaluate your position.

Get to those happy thoughts!! If you ever need help or support with this information, please reach out or comment below! We are all on a journey and collaboration is the win-win solution for us all.

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