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3 Reasons to Have a Morning Routine

Start the day on your time....

You've heard of special morning routines out there that guarantee success but have you ever thought of just the effect alone of a morning routine? Rather than wake up to do just anything that others do, create your own morning routine. Just the effect of waking up for you rather than anyone or anything else puts the day in your hands.

Let's get into why having a morning routine makes a difference for the rest of our day:

1.) You start the day on YOUR time...

Rather than throw yourself out of bed and rush to the first thing in your day, get on your own clock. The rest of the day is in a rush once we start it off behind. Pick a time and get up then. Don't select the wake up time based off just how long it takes to get ready for work, but add in extra time for breakfast, stretching, coffee, or just some free time to wake up.

When you give yourself the time first, it is as if you are selecting to go to work rather than feeling obligated. This mindset change will help you maintain a stress-free attitude and be a little more in harmony with the day.

Check out a morning yoga routine here

2.) You create longer and more productive days...

Creating a morning routine is a great way to take bites out of your to-do list. Whether you are getting up to work out, finish a chore, stretch, meditate, or any reason; it gives you a higher sense of productivity. It is much easier to feed off of a productive morning than battle and procrastinate getting it started when you do not feel like it. What are some things you have to do that will make the day easier. Get up and plan out your day, making you a more present-bearing individual as all the daily events are happening. This bite of mindfulness in the morning can frame the day into something very obtainable and you can go seize it.

Practice meditating or visualizing your day in the morning. It makes your day more bearable as you become more prepared for it. Listen to your favorite music or get outside before you have to do something you may not entirely want to. Make peace with your responsibilities that day and choose to take it on. A morning routine can really get you going.

3. It helps you become more regimented.

Having a morning routine in habit creates a more organized day. This creates for a more organized sleep cycle and the effects keep going and going. Having consistent schedules help our bodies adapt to our schedules and if the routines are for growth, then we can habituate growth in a way. When getting up for your morning routine becomes automatic, you have just segmented a time of your day to get things done.

When we want to develop health, wellness, or our career, it is important for us to get into rhythms and routines. This helps us make habit of the things we believe we need to do and it also keeps us away from the bad. Having a morning routine will make you plan the night before better. Perhaps knowing you don't want to miss any sleep, a morning routine will be the justification to avoiding an unhealthy temptation. Work on your habits because your habits will influence what you will become.

My Current Morning Routine:

  1. Use the bathroom

  2. Weigh myself

  3. Take a shirtless picture (front and side)

  4. Get dressed and hit one of two gyms,

  • 1 gym is for intense strength and athletic training, the other is to stretch, run, core workout, and then swim so it depends on the day for where I go.

  1. Come back for breakfast

  2. Shower and get dressed listening to my favorite music (positive vibes)

  3. Ready for work before 8:30 am.

By the time my morning routine is over, I have done the majority of my daily exercise and I've completely put the day on my clock. I feel productive and when work is done, I rarely have things that I have to do besides household chores. It is great and was tough to build up to this but the juice is worth the squeeze.

Any questions or advice needed for a healthy morning routine, please reach out!

-Shane Brennan

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