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Positive Thinking

Though it sometimes can seem easier said than done, there are endless benefits of looking at life through rose tinted glasses and drinking from a glass half full. This translates to positive results in sports, business, and in life in general.

For example, psychologist Martin Seligman at one point studied both the NY Mets and St. Louis Cardinals baseball teams, and through his research, observation, and interviews, Seligman was able to predict the Mets' success, as well as the Cardinals' downfall in the following season. Findings included relatively even talent, but those with a positive and optimistic attitude outperformed those without. Additionally, Dana Lightman, PhD, explains further on the benefits of optimism in the work place here.

Mayo Clinic research studies revealed that optimists reported a better quality of life, experienced reduced stress, and tended to live longer than pessimists. Though attitudes are learned at a young age, attitudes can always be changed. Some great helpful tips can be found in detail in a recent NY Times article, "Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones," along with in the recent Forbes article, "How To Train Your Brain To Go Positive Instead Of Negative."

Remember, "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." A takeaway challenge for you is this: go an entire day without complaining, despite what might happen or what you might be going through. Times can be tough, but you can be mentally tough as well. If you think about complaining, catch yourself and write it down instead onto a piece of scrap paper. Then, crumple it up, and throw it away. The more you are aware of your reactions to what is happening to and around you, and aware of when you are about to complain and instead cut yourself off, you will overall move your mindset in a more positive direction.

By enhancing a more positive attitude and optimistic perspective, you can react better (or not at all if applicable), and see better results in your sport, your work, and your overall life.

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