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Let’s grasp the concept of Wellness

Wellness is complex but bear with me here…

It helps to grasp the meaning of wellness when we can relate it to a similar term we are more familiar with. Let’s think of wellness as something similar to the concept of wealth. Wealth is the measured value of how we spend our financial resources. Money is the resources and it is usually spread in a number of different ways. Those who are wealthy have a portfolio of resource allocation, meaning they invest money into different branches and their wealth comes from the general accumulation of that portfolio. There is not only reliance in 1 category and a diverse portfolio means that you can handle one of the branches doing poorly with ease.

Check out how we would spread finances in a portfolio...

Instead of using money as our resource, let’s switch to a way more valuable one…. time. Wellness is used to described the measured value of how we have spent our time. Just like a financial portfolio, some one who is very well has their time spent across a diverse set of branches.

Just as there is a financial science to which branches of investment are most valuable to raise our wealth, there is science supporting how we can spread our use of time. Carefreelivin breaks wellness down into 6 dimensions; Physical, Psychological, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, and Environmental. Let’s see what each of these mean:

The 6 Branches of Wellness

The 6 Dimensions of Wellness


Physical wellness is our capacity to maintain proper exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Spending time here will aid us in functioning optimally both internally and externally. Being physically active helps our bodies build strength, fight off disease, and reduce stress. Fueling properly is important in recovery and the rebuilding process. Having a well-balanced diet with plenty of nourishment is a key factor in how we function. The body needs rest; getting the proper amount of sleep can help you stay fit, reduce stress levels, and sharpen your attention during the day.


Psychological wellness is our capacity to understand our emotions and ourselves. Remaining mindful, being aware of our emotions, and expressing them clearly can help in problem solving. Confidence and self-esteem can increase cognitive function and allow us to remain present in everyday life.


Spiritual wellness is our capacity to maintain harmony and peacefulness within ourselves. It is having values, a sense of purpose, to search for the meaning of life. Believing in a higher force and holding trust during the uncertainties of life are signs of spiritual wellness. Yoga and meditation, taking time to self-reflect, and practicing compassion can all help us stay grounded and handle daily stress.


Intellectual wellness is our capacity to learn, improve our skills, and pursue continuous development. The ability to think with an open mind, put yourself in a student roll, inherit and comprehend knowledge, and apply it to your life is intellectual wellness. There are plenty of easily accessible resources out there today to aid us in building on our personal intellect.


Social wellness is our capacity to connect and interact with others. Developing positive and meaningful relationships, using good communication, and having a sense of belonging are all signs of social wellness.


Environmental wellness is our capacity to recognize and respect our surroundings, and how they impact our daily routines. Our environment is where we spend our time, it shapes who we are, and can play a significant role in our daily lives. Paying mind towards our natural environment as well can sooth and restore our overall well-being.

“My” Wellness Portfolio

For each dimension, what would you fill in the blank spaces? Fill them with the routines, habits, and/or activities that you use to develop the corresponding dimension of wellness. Some activities may be used in multiple dimensions. This activity is used to visualize a balanced approach to your wellness. Be honest with yourself and learn about your Wellness Portfolio.







What more can you do to create a diverse wellness portfolio?

Spend time and take a step back. Evaluate how you use your time and see what your pie cart would look like. Remember that everyone has their own ideal chart, but you want to respect the balance of wellness. You can always reach out to Mental Poise or Carefreelivin with any questions on what you can do or for any guidance and accountability. Check out our other blog posts to surround yourself with the right material.

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